Thanks to my sweet Saint Francis I had enough firmness to cover all my body with removable tattoos and to surprise my husband in his birthday. And now this pervert don’t want me to wash myself.
Thanks to my sweet Saint Francis I had enough firmness to cover all my body with removable tattoos and to surprise my husband in his birthday. And now this pervert don’t want me to wash myself.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Juan Ramirez thanks Saint Isidor Labourer with this retablo for the big crop of chile pepper habanero. Now he even thinks about buying an agricultural machinery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank you, Virgin of San Juan, for I found my resignation. For a long time I couldn’t believe that Maria had left me. Although I wanted to drown my grief in alcohol, there was always somebody who was worrying about me. I ask you, Virgin, to protect my brother.
Pedro Mejia
Mexico City
April 17, 1983
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
On the road going down to the town, I noticed that my bus’ brakes went out. There was a christian with donkeys in front of me, next to a cliff at one side and stones at another. I didn’t know what would be worse, to kill this man with the donkeys or to crash my passengers. I entrusted myself to the Virgin of San Juan, and the man with the donkeys moved aside. I flew near him at high speed. I managed to brake at the end of the slope. I thank for I didn’t have to kill anybody.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I give thanks to Saint Martin the Cavalryman for the miracle that I’m selling all the carnitas I prepare, so I can make money for my daughter Chayito’s first communion. I’m even getting orders from the entire neighborhood.
Uruapan, Michoacan
Evarista Molina
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Señora Raquel Cabrera left her son for a moment, and he put his hands in the stove. Raquel thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving her son’s life and for the recovery from the burns.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
1910, at the Sieneguilla ranch, a pair of oxen was stolen from Sebastian Aguilar. He prayed to Saint John the Evangelist and three days later he found them at the place called Ystaclala. Filled with faith and gratitude, he and his wife offer this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
February 2008, Teodocia Cruz couldn’t find dotted heeled shoes. She was desperate, so she entrusted herself to the Holy Virgin of San Juan. And she found the shoes at last season’s sales.
Retablo by Carlos Sandoval
The young man Antonio Romero was participating in a nude bicycle race. He kept gazing at one very nice girl and crashed into a car. He hurt his balls. He thanks St. Philip Neri for the recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
With great joy, I give thanks to God and the Virgin of Guadalupe for such a big favor. I thought I’d never get married because my best years were behind me. But one day my boyfriend, who went in USA few years ago, returned. He proposed me, and I gladly accepted his proposal, because he is the love of my life. He organized a very cute wedding for me.
Lupita Gonzalez & Amador Ramirez
Celaya, Guanajuato
June 5, 1986
Retablo by Unknown artist #1
I only hope that when you’ll decide to end my life, you will open the gate to the celestial Kingdom for me, even though I sold my soul to Lucifer.
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
I offer this retablo to Saint Francis of Assisi because my liquor shop is very profitable and it’s the most popular shop in the town.
Ranch Santa Maria
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
1958, I went to Tepeaca to sell my goods at the town square. But the bus’ brakes broke down. I entrusted myself to the Father Jesus, and we arrived without any accident. I give thanks for such a big favor.
Dominga Perez
Retablo by Flor Palomares