With this humble retablo I want to thank The Holy Child of Atocha for the miracle that my wife Monique finally learned to cook Mexican food. She is french and didn’t know how to make mole or some other dish that I liked. And now I’m enjoying all this food.

Ramiro Rocha

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I thank the Virgin Mary because after almost five years saving, I managed to purchase my own brand new lawn-boy.

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Barbara Rellez gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping me in my work as a prostitute because she protects me from police, pimps, malignant clients and diseases. It’s difficult to earn a living working as a prostitute but you have always helped me.

February 17, 1980

Manuel Rodríguez was very shy. So he prayed to San Antonio for giving him the courage to ask the woman that he loved to marry him. But it was her who propose him because she was a very determined woman. Manuel thanks San Antonio for blessing their marriage. And although he is a man of few words, his wife speaks for both of them.

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The Galvan Alvarez family thanks Saint Jude Thaddeus for the miracle of coming back home to their town after spending several years in Dallas, Texas.

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
December 4, 1983

I give thanks to the Archangel of Justice because I didn’t get pregnant that awful night when I was raped when I was going home after Mexican Night party on September 15th. Thanks to Archangel for giving me courage to report them to the police since my parents were against it because of fear of revenge. The rapists were caught and went to prison. So they wouldn’t do it anymore, and I don’t wish to anybody what they did to me.

This took place in Jalapa neighborhood at the end of the 20th century.

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Petra Sanches was making a mole on her kitchen and in the moment when she was grinding chili pepper she accidentally caught her tit in the mortar. She bruised it badly. Since no remedy helped her she called Saint Paschal and got cured. She gives thanks for this.

Puebla, 1919

November 5, 1937, Jenoveba Ruiz Garca were going back home with her baby when a witch suddenly appeared. The witch followed them. So Jenoveba started to pray to The Infant Jesus of Prague, and with his help she arrived home in safety.

Morelia, Michoacan

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On the Day-D in june 1944 we disembarked in Normandy. I saw many of my brother-in-arms dying. I entrusted myself to Our Lord Jesus Christ and now I’m an american citizen. I’m thanking for all favors that I’ve received.

Hermenegildo Gonzalez Leon
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, 1953

My little boy plays with a martian creature. Thanks to the Virgin it is not hurting my son.

In 1914 in Santa Ana Chiautempan my buddy caught me on the mat with his wife. He started to shoot at us. I give infinite thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha because bullets didn’t hit me. She took them all.

The Dominican Sisters Convent thanks Saint Paschal Baylon because they received a big order on eggnog and mole from some foreigners who remained delighted with its taste.

Cholula, Puebla

Thanks to the Archangel of Justice because “Guadalajara” won The Classic match against “América” with all its damn foreign players. My father-in-law threw me out from his bar because I won the bet against him and now he’s going to shave his head. But I’m cool to celebrate this victory here because I’m a real “Chivas” fan in my heart.

“América” and “Guadalajara” (commonly known as “Chivas” (goats in spanish) because of the goat-mascot) are Mexican professional football clubs. “The Classic” is a football match between them.