— tagged with “Michoacan”

We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for making us invisible when the migration patrol was passing by. We were going to cross the river to get to the US and find my cousin who had already found a job for me there. I thank the Virgin for this job will help to support my family.

Anselmo Torres
Michoacan, Mexico, 1987

Holy Child of Atocha, thank you for having heard my prayers. I organized a bus trip to Zitucuaro, Michoacan, because I had a bus. It’s an old model but in good conditions. We almost arrived there when suddenly we were stopped by three armored men. They called themselves agents and began to check the passengers—as they were saying— for drugs and weapons. I was worried for kids. There were 10 of them in the bus. I think they were “sicarios” hitmen, because they were asking me what gang I’m in. I prayed them to let us go and finally they did.

Rafael Arroyo
Mexico City, 1981

Holy Child of Atocha, thank you for your favors. One hot summer morning, we went for a picnic in the state of Michoacan. While my wife was preparing some food, I was wetting my legs in the river. Then I felt a horrible pain. I was stung by a venomous snake. My wife promptly put me in the car and drove to a doctor office. Miraculously, I was saved. I entrusted myself to the Holy Child and now thank him.

Lucio Mora, 1957

We thank the Virgin Mary for we had made it to the other side without getting caught, although my brother Carlos caught the flu. Now, after 10 years in States, we got our documents and we aren’t illegals anymore. We ordered to build a new house for our mother who never wanted to go with us. That’s how much she loves her grandsons, so she preferred to stay with our sisters.

Agustin & Jose, 1956

That day, a giant eagle caught one of my sheep which could have given me a big damage. Then I begged your name, Maria, and he dropped it.

San Juan, Michoacan

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I thank the Lord of the Miracles for I found my son Jacinto Torres. He was kidnapped by a drunk who treated him badly and forced him to beg money.

Maria Lopez
April 30, 1931 — Uruapan, Michoacan

In Morelia, señora Justina Lopez Agua was getting out the tram, and her dress got caught so she fell under the wheels. She implored the Virgin of the Health and was saved. She dedicated this retablo in gratitude.

February 1890

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Don Mateo Vidal humbly dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of the Solitude thanking for he managed to preserve the family tradition of butterfly nets fishing. Since he was a child, his dad and grandfather taught him to fish, and now he’s teaching his own kids and feels very proud and blessed.

Patzcuaro, Michoacan

Since the rains continued for a long time, we couldn’t work, because the materials deteriorated. We prayed to the Virgin of San Juan because we were scared we would be fired because we weren’t working. But the engineer understood us and didn’t fire us. He even celebrated the Day of the Holy Cross with us. We present this humble retablo, as we promised.

Michoacan, 1970
Lucio and Evelio Grajales

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As I promised, I dedicate this retablo to Saint Anthony of Padua for the miracle of sending me a fiancé. I thought, in my age, I would stay an old maid. I’m very happy with my Evaristo. He loves me, and we are going to get married.

Lolita Torres
Morelia, Michoacan

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My friend Pancho and I were drinking aguardiente (“firewater”) and made a bet who would pass the night at the cemetery. I was so drunk, I felt brave, so I agreed to do so. But at the midnight, the ghost of my late buddy Rogaciano Mendez appeared. I was so scared, I immediately sobered up. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Amador Ramirez
November 2, 1952
San Juan Nuevo, Michoacan

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I dedicate this retablo with my picture to Saint Francis of Assisi because two days ago he helped me to find a cream to depilate these ugly hairs that grow under my armpits on my legs, my arms end even on my face.

Zamora, 1960

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It was getting dark. I went with my wife Lupita in the field to scrape the agave and gather the maguey sap with the acocote. Suddenly we noticed a horrible animal with wings and long teeth. It wanted to attack us. We entrusted ourselves to the Holy Child of Atocha so that he would protect us. Thank God we managed to escape.

Zitacuaro, Michoacan
May 3, 1985

Federico Aguilar Aguascalientes

Thank you, God, for saving us from the chupacabra.

Acocote is a long gourd pointed at both ends, used in Mexico for extracting the nectar of the maguey.