— tagged with “children”

My daughter Luisa was playing in laundry at the river bank. She slipped on a smooth stone and fell into water. Thanks to Our Lady of the Rosary our dog which is very smart and swims very well was able to save the girl before she drowned. I give thanks to the Holy Virgin.

April 16, 1974, my father and I were at the Arena Coliseo watching a wrestling match with El Santo, my greatest idol. I had suffered an accident which left me paralyzed. At the end of the event, Santo came down where we were and gave me one of his masks. Eventually, I began to walk again.

Mario, 1996

Don Roque’s dog was a wild beast. One day my girl got in his yard, and the animal jumped on her. But after snugging her the dog didn’t do anything. I know it was a miracle by Saint Quiteria’s protection.

Doña Teodosia Vallejo
Perote, 1955

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We dedicate this retablo to the miraculous Holy Cross. We were very happy riding the carousel when my little Robertito fell off the horse and got stuck under the wheel. It was a miracle he didn’t became crippled. We bring this testimony of divine intervention for this.

The Villareal and Librado Limantour family

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I bought a piñata for my son Beto’s birthday because he wanted it so much. I put a blindfold on his eyes and, as a joke, turned him around many times to make him dizzy. But he ended up confusing me with the piñata and began to beat me with a stick. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because his grandmother could stop him before he smashed me.

Jacinto Ruiz ~ Queretaro, Mexico

To our Lord Jesus Christ, I ask to forgive me for what I did when I found out that the priest abused my son. But since neither the church nor the government have done anything after so many similar cases, I did it.

Filomeno M., 13–11–2018

Here I’m showing what a grateful lady told me with tears in her eyes on that sad morning of September 19, 1985. She’s giving thanks to the Holy Mary of Guadalupe and testifies her miracle of protecting her two children during that strong earthquake that happened in Mexico City and brought many pain and tragedy. Today, 30 years later, I ask, with all my hear, to protect me beautiful and beloved Mexico.

September 2015

Dominga Camargo brings the present retablo to the Child of Atocha thanking for her son didn’t lose his eye when he put a pencil in a fan.

Puebla, 1950

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Boy Arnulfo Fernandez fell into a pit full of snakes. His mother thanks Saint Nicholas for nothing bad happened.

Tehuacan, 1945

Because of the coronavirus, my husband was left without a job. Now he spends his days behind the computer watching videos on Youtube and video conferencing with his buddies. He doesn’t lift a finger to help me around the house or with our baby, with the excuse that he’s depressed. I beg Saint Jude Thaddeus, with this retablo, to end quickly this quarantine and to make my husband’s depression—as he says—go away so he could go out looking for a job and become responsible again.

Juana Ramirez, Mexico

When I crossed the town square it started raining so terribly and so heavy that one couldn’t see around. Suddenly the fish began falling down. I had no idea what to do and where to go. Thanks to the Virgin I saw a light. I went towards it, and it was the bakery door. I waited inside with my baby and my dog until this strange deluge stopped. I thank the Virgin for guiding my way.

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We dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan because my son Adrian wasn’t kidnapped thanks to a black stray dog that defended him when they wanted to take him.

Grateful family
Tacubaya, Mexico, January 6, 2015

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Camila Garcia was ordered to prepare a mole, but her kiddo lost two turkeys. She thanks Saint Paschal Baylon with this retablo for the turkeys were found, although she isn’t sure they are the ones.