1927, Benita Ruiz’ husband kicked the bucked and she was left all alone. Benita entrusted herself to the Virgin of San Juan, and with her help she could survive with children working as a laundrywoman. She thanks the Virgin.
1927, Benita Ruiz’ husband kicked the bucked and she was left all alone. Benita entrusted herself to the Virgin of San Juan, and with her help she could survive with children working as a laundrywoman. She thanks the Virgin.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Dominga Zepeda accidentally got her hair on fire during a torrito run at the San Miguel Canoa town holiday. She thanks Saint Michael Archangel because her hair have grown back and nothing serious happened.
Retablo by Blakkie
My fiancé and I thank Saint Anthony because we got married in love and played our wedding on a start night. Under the starlight we swear eternal love to each other.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
After many years of marriage my wife’s character changed. She had rage attacks in which she was throwing and braking everything she had around her. I took the animals so she wouldn’t throw them and prayed the Virgin of Zapopan to stop this nightmare. Thanks to the Virgin my wife came back to her good mood, and now she’s almost never angry.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Virgin of the Mountain, we thank you because we have formed a successful musical trio.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
June 24, right in the middle of the night, the martians abducted my buddy. I’m infinitely grateful to Saint Pancras for they didn’t take me so now I have a clear road with his wife.
Santa Rita, 1927
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I offer my best corncobs and this retablo to Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for having blessed my fields.
Orlando and Maria Gena da Costa
Retablo by Severino Silva
Rodrigo Guzman came home drunk and without keys. Therefore he got an idea to break a window with his hand but cut himself so badly that he ended up in the hospital. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery and promises to cut back on booze.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I went to swim and dive to watch fish. Then I met face to face with a sea monster. I was in fright thinking that he was going to attack me with its claws, since it was half-devil, half-man and half-fish and he had giant claws. But thanks to the Holy Heart the monster seemed to get scared more than me when he saw me, so he swam away rapidly. I felt relieved but still—until the mister changed his mind and came back—I swam back to the beach.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus because I’m doing very well selling quesadillas and memelas here in the city. I have many clients who love my snacks. Back in the village I had no job, and the city people are very good with me. For such a miracle I dedicate the present retablo.
Juanita Toxqui \ Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Isabel E. took a drug and, in her madness, went dancing like crazy on the church tower-bell. She thanks Saint Raymond with this retablo because the priest saved her from the people who wanted to linch her, and she promises to amend.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my husband, although reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.
Marina Rios
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
One night, after leaving work I went to a bar with my colleagues and drank nonstop. There I met a stunning woman whom I invited to a hotel. I was very excited for being able to score her. I give infinite thanks to Saint Sebastian because, although I was pretty drunk, I realized—before spending a night together—that it was a man dressed like a woman. I promise to be more careful when I’m having fun.
Adrian Gutierrez \ Tijuana, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares