I thank the Virgin of Talpa for her valuable intervention which let Our Lord made so my son amended and stopped drinking. Thank you, Our Mother, for this miracle.
Marciala Murillo P.
March 11, 1982, El Grullo, Jalisco
I thank the Virgin of Talpa for her valuable intervention which let Our Lord made so my son amended and stopped drinking. Thank you, Our Mother, for this miracle.
Marciala Murillo P.
March 11, 1982, El Grullo, Jalisco
Retablo by Unknown artist #15
I liked my neighbor, and she responded me. But we were secretly seeing each other for she had a grumpy and violent father who didn’t let her to have a boyfriend. One night I climbed to her room to see her, and her father caught us by surprise with a pistol in his hand. I thank Saint Benedict for illuminating me to pretend a sleep-walker. With his divine help, her father believed it, so I saved my skin.
Nepomuceno Diaz
Guanajuato, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Holy Child of Atocha, thank you for having heard my prayers. I organized a bus trip to Zitucuaro, Michoacan, because I had a bus. It’s an old model but in good conditions. We almost arrived there when suddenly we were stopped by three armored men. They called themselves agents and began to check the passengers—as they were saying— for drugs and weapons. I was worried for kids. There were 10 of them in the bus. I think they were “sicarios” hitmen, because they were asking me what gang I’m in. I prayed them to let us go and finally they did.
Rafael Arroyo
Mexico City, 1981
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
One morning I went fishing in my small boat. Suddenly I hooked an enormous sailfish. I give thanks to Saint Peter because after many hours of efforts I finally managed to catch it. I sold it and earned a lot of money.
Teodoro Muñoz
Manzanillo, Coahuila
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Alfonso Fernandez was caught at his home by the police for producing counterfeit money. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan for having a great lawyer so he didn’t get many years in jail. He promises to put himself on a righteous way.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The panther escaped from its cage but didn’t catch me. Thanks.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
One night, after so many years of happy marriage, my husband began to snore. And he snored like a lion ever since. I couldn’t sleep and fell tired all day long. My happiness and my marriage were at danger. I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan, and she worked the miracle—my husband stopped snoring. Now we are happy again.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The old men Gustavito Lopez and Roberto Mendes were constantly fighting. One day they even start hitting each other with their sticks and got hurt very badly. They thank the Holy Child of Atocha for recovering and promise to behave.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Being a professional diver, I thought I’d never find time for love. I thank Saint Anthony of Padua for having met a wonderful women whom I share my love to the sea with. We enjoy protecting the reefs together, and even plan to get married at the bottom of the sea.
Maximiliano Quiroga
Playa del Carmen
Retablo by Flor Palomares
A pretty big black viper came to Saturnino Cardoso, and the horse almost threw me off. I thank.
October 23, 1938
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
May your purity be blessed for ever, Virgin Mary. Thanks to you we have sold our house which we just bought shortly before. The house is cursed! Ghost, phantasms, skeletons and many others tortured me and my wife at night. I humbly thank you and bring you this retablo.
1953, Motul, Yucatan
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
Saint Charbel, thank you for your favors. I prayed you a lot so that I’d find my partner. We’d lived together for two years, and then he left me after he’d found out I had been cheating on him with another guy. I missed him and couldn’t resist to live on without him, so I went to search him. Finally I met him in a bar. I always imagined he’d be dressed in black. So it was, because he loves dressing up like this.
Martin Canto
Mexico City, 1978
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
Felipe Rodriguez got tired of her food being constantly criticized by her mother-in-law. She blew her with a frying-pan and split her head open. Felipe thanks Saint Pascual Baylon for she didn’t stay in jail for a long time.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández