Virgin of San Juan, I dedicate you this ex-voto. I fell of the train, but nothing serious happened. Jasinto Robledo gives thanks.

Zacatecas, 6th November, 1939

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When I was returning after a concert, I ran into some bastards who tried to mug me. But they got nothing from me. Then one of them pulled out a gun and put it to my head. I grabbed him and took the gun, but the other one stabbed me. I fell feeling pretty bad. Those two were definitely high. Then the first guy picked up the gun and was going to finish me. That moment, I prayed the Archangel of Justice. Suddenly my pal appeared, and those two ran away, without killing me. Good thing you stopped them in time, pal.

Tepito, Mexico City

Jasinta Ramirez was ordered to prepare some mole for the master’s wedding. The mole turned out very bitter. But she prayed Saint Paschal Baylon, and nobody notice it. She thanks the saint, although many people had diarrhea afterwards, nobody kicked the bucket.

Puebla, 1917

Thank you, Saint Sebastian, for helping us in our relationship. It’s tough because our families are against our love. Amapola Ruiz and Enriqueta Vazquez give thanks.

Mexico, 4th April, 1990

One day I was walking my dog Spike, when some angry dogs scared him. I couldn’t hold him, he broke his leash, ran away and got lost. I was desperately looking for him for weeks, searching in all the neighborhoods of the city but with no luck. Then I entrusted myself to Saint Anthony the Great, and he made the miracle—I found my Spike safe and sound. I’m infinitely thankful for that.

Elías Cruz
Merida, Yucatan

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Isabel Ramirez was having sex with the baker. But then came his wife and in anger hit Isabel with a rolling pin sending her to the hospital. Isabel thanks Saint Patrick for her recovery and for she didn’t become idiot.

Elena wanted to get married but couldn’t find an ideal man, so she decided to kiss all the frogs in the pond to see if one would become a prince. After kissing a lot of frogs something happen because a very handsome man came out of the plants…

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My son Jorge’s teacher was giving her lessons in a very boring manner. So my boy, instead of paying attention, used to imagine the teacher grabbed and taken by lianas and she was screaming. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the teacher was replaced and now my son pays attention so he won’t repeat the grade.

One October night I woke up in fear and saw a red devil standing at the end of the bed. I was thinking he didn’t come for me because I’d been a good and kind woman. Then, he came for my husband who is lazy and drinks a lot. Since I wasn’t pretty sure and didn’t want to make a mistake, I prayed the Virgin for protection. I grabbed my rosary, and then the devil disappeared in the darkness. I thank the Virgin.

Teofila Mendes thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because the artist Frida gave her a doll for her daughter on the Three Kings’ Day.

Mexico, 1939

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Muchas gracias to St. Sebastian for answering our many prayers and making it legal for us to love one another.

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Muchas gracias to Our Lady of Sorrows for saving the life of our daughter Frida.


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Muchas gracias for our refrigerator full of food.

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