Virgin of Guadalupe, mother of the Mexicans, through this ex-voto, I give thanks for your favor, because, on my creative path, I met this people, who believed in my work and who invited me to participate in their project and to publish this marvelous book «The Imaginary Revolution». We all together, Karen, Daniel Goldin, Conrrado Tostado and Alfredo Vilchis, you humble and devoted son, thank you and ask you to bless our work.

Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
July 2005

A. N. and F. G. were about to end their marriage. But when she got pregnant their sexual life improved, because he was fascinated with sucking her breast milk. Now they are happy. He thanks Saint Joaquina for his wife produces enough milk for him and for the baby.

Serafin was a very shy person. But the Virgin worked the miracle. So when I passed near by the stables I heard how he told his horse about his love sufferings and how he really loved me. [...] We’re going to get married.

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Margarita Reyos Campos had an acute appendicitis attack while being in school. Her sister Rosalia prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for looking after Margarita and protecting her during the surgery. She thanks the Virgin for saving her sister.

My neighbors gossiped that my friend was flirting with my husband and even wanted to take him away from me. One day I met her at the laundry place. I grabber her hair, so she looked like a scarecrow. I thank Saint Raymond Nonnatus because I have found that those rumors were lies. I reconciled with my friend, and from now on the gossipy neighbor won’t bother us.

Jacinta Luna, Mexico City

Gregorio Zamora used to smoke weed and listen music all day long, until one day his parents kicked him out. He thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for he found job pretty quickly and quit his bad habits.

When my son Juan’s horse died I couldn’t imagine he’d grieve so deeply. He climbed on the stable roof and refused to come down to eat and to sleep. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan his godfather Carlos gave him a colt. My boy became happy again and started to eat. I offer this retablo to the Virgin.

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my lions obey me without any problem. Thanks to that I have a success performing in circuses all around the country.

September 25, 1957

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May 25, 1953, we went to baptize our Luisito. The bus broke down so we had to ride horses. We were in rush, so we rode full speed. My horse stumbled on rocks. We thank the Virgin of the Rosary because nothing happened with the baby at the falling. We still baptized him, and he’s all right.

St. Isidore the Labourer. thank you for sending us the rains that brought the land to life. It didn’t yield for years because of the drought that had struck the villages around Metepec. I prayed for you help, and you send it to us. I bring you this retablo on your feast day, May, 15, 1960.


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One beautiful night my boyfriend Pedro and I went to the cemetery so no one could see us, because my parents didn’t allow me to have boyfriend. Suddenly some skeletons appeared. We were so frightened, we ran away. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for we didn’t get sick.

Lupita Gomez
Tequila, Jalisco
November 5, 1972

I dedicate this retablo to St. Martin the Cavalryman for helping me to find another job, because before I worked wearing the hamburger costume. It was so heavy and stuffy, that I fainted a lot. But the most humiliating part was that not even the dogs respected me. But now I have a quieter job.

Feliciano Godinez
Monterrey, Nuevo León

Alberto Garcia thanks St. Patrick because he met John Lennon on the crowded streets of New York.

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